Eco-Rally Challenge
October 25, 2021 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Are you ready to rally and win some awesome prizes this month?!
Join the THRIVE Sustainability team in making a positive impact on your respective communities and the environment with the Eco-Rally Challenge. While in-person events are ideal, this year will remain virtual and we’ll hope for more in-person events in 2022.
We invite you to a friendly competition amongst the East West Family of Companies to make a positive impact with some friendly eco-competitions.
So what is the 2021 Eco-Rally Challenge?
STEP 1: Create your team of 3 and come up with an amazingly awesome team name! Register below by October 15th.
STEP 2: Download the activity log below and complete as many of the tasks as you can between October 16-29, 2021.
Tasks include:
- Eliminate Single-Use Plastics for 14 days
- Use a Reusable Waterbottle
- Complete an Up-Cycle Project
- Turn Off Water While Brushing Your Teeth
- Buy in Bulk + Use a Container You Already Own
- Watch a Documentary on Eco-Sustainability Impacts & Practices
- Hang Dry Laundry vs. Placing in Dryer
- Drink 100 oz. of Water or Unsweetened Beverage per Day
- Buy Locally Sourced Food and Prepare a Meal
- Contact Your Local Recycling Center for Best Tips & Recommendations
STEP 3: Return to this page to submit your team’s activity log online and include supporting photos between October 30-November 5th.
STEP 4: Winners will be announced on November 18, 2021
Sign up by October 15th here: https://eastwestthrive.com/rally-challenge/