
LocalLove | Wish for Wheels Volunteer Event

Last week, LocalLove volunteers (EWP + Slifer team) built and donated brand new bikes and helmets to 45 second graders at Wyatt Academy, a Title 1 school in Denver.

The experience was incredibly rewarding and the sheer joy beaming from the kiddos was enough to light up the state of Texas For some of the students, this was their very first bike and helping them learn to ride wasn’t easy, but so heartwarming.

As we all know, bikes can have such a major impact on our lives and our communities, so just imagine what it does for these kids Wish for Wheels started in 2004 and is based in Denver. Since opening, they’ve donated over 75,00 bikes in 15 different states! That’s a lot of wheels and smiling kids. Since the pandemic, they have been working on re-expanding their network across the US; so, if this is something you’re interested in learning more about, send Jennifer Collins a note and she’s be happy to connect you with the Wish for Wheels team.